Create this Website
Web-development and terms such as front-end and back-end had being scaring me for quite a while.
It was after a potential employer asking me about my experience coding websites, that I decided that I finally had to at learn the basics of the basics. So here we are.
I host my website on GitHub, for instructions see eg. here.
As my website is static, GitHub's product is sufficient and I don't need something more complicated at the moment.
I then completed the HTML & CSS course
by SuperSimpleDev,
which provided my with all the essentials. Also I got my own domain via
Since then it has just been trial and error.
For suggestions regarding improvement I am always open!
The atom with a brain as a nucleus combines phyisics with innovation.
I thank Mara Mittelholzer
for working through ideas, designing and creating the final result you can see in the header!